Our 8-week long confidence building workshop's sole purpose is to encourage women to break unhealthy relational patterns. We do this through education and information about what abuse is in it's various forms, and what it looks like. We don't tell women what to do or how to think, but rather, we provide the necessary tools and knowledge to empower women to make their own choices. But what's most important here is that choices are informed.
Some of the topics include: Healthy vs. Toxic Relationships, Self-Care (mental, physical and spiritual), The Cycle of Violence and Radical Acceptance. This is a great workshop for women coming out of an abusive relationship or for someone currently in an abusive relationship. Women are free, and even encouraged, to bring moral support, meaning mother, sister, best friend, etc. We only ask that whomever you choose to bring, it be another adult woman. ALL GROUPS ARE FREE AND HELD ON ZOOM.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This group is currently on hiatus until further notice.
We believe that the awareness piece is the most important. Until we are aware and knowledgeable of these issues, we cannot effectively address them. Our workshops not only provide an awareness of both domestic violence and human trafficking, but they also emphasize effective frameworks in working with victims/survivors of these types of traumas. Workshops are great for those individuals working directly with victims and survivors; this would include, Social Workers, Counselors, Case Managers and direct service residential workers. However, workshops are truly for whomever is interested.
Contact us if you'd like for our Executive Director or one of our trained volunteers to come to your place of employment, church, community organization or school. Workshop topics include: Applying Dialetical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) in working with trauma victims, Harm Reduction & Trauma Victims, Strength-Based Approach and Trauma Victims, Trauma Informed Care, Human Trafficking 101 , Domestic Violence 101 and Servant Leadership. Contact us if you're interested and for more details.
We're very proud of our newest program, CAP! The Court Accompaniment Program (CAP) is a comprehensive legal advocacy program for women who are coming out of abusive and/or sexually exploitative relationships. As a woman myself, Social Worker and someone who has been the indirect victim of domestic violence, I know all too well how important it is to have social support during these times. As the studies and stats will show, leaving an abusive relationship is the most dangerous time for a woman. In taking her control back and leaving a violent situation, she is more likely to receive threats, including death threats, and also more likely to be the victim of a physical assault.
The first of its kind in Orange County, CAP provides help in preparing restraining orders, the transportation to and from the courthouse, victim’s rights education, and most importantly, the emotional support needed to follow-through. We will provide transports from any domestic violence and/or trafficking shelter/transitional living home or any shelter for unhoused women. We will also provide pick-ups from sober living homes in the North Orange County area. CAP addresses domestic violence and sex trafficking, directly, by providing a sense of security, safety, and hope for women seeking a fresh start.
If you are a woman, 18 and over, who'd like to obtain a Domestic Violence Temporary Restraining Order (DVTRO) or a civil harrassment order (CHO), you've come to the right place. HOOC volunteers will complete the order for you, from beginning to end, thus taking the confusion out of the process.
Restraining orders can now, thankfully, be completed online. Therefore, we can complete the restraining order for you, while over the phone, making the process a lot easier. We not ony complete orders for you, but we also educate you regarding next steps, including filing your order, having your partner served, and the upcoming hearing which determines if the victim will receive a three to five year permanent restraining order.
We are Social Workers and Victim Rights Advocates, not attorneys; therefore, if there are any questions you have that goes outside of our scope of knowledge, we will gladly refer you to local legal resources.
Give us a call, or send us a message, if you're in need of a restraining order. We'd be more than happy to assist.
HOOC has been successfully completing TRO's in Southern, CA for nerly five years. We look forward to bringing a broder array of services to the Columbus, OH area-----stay tuned!
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